Legal Information & Terms and Conditions
Obligation to inform acc. to the E-Commerce Law
Company name: Dresdner Hütte
Business name: Erich Hofer Hotelbetriebs-GmbH
Street: Scheibe 64
Post Code / Village: A-6167 Neustift im Stubaital
Tel +43 5226 8112
Fax +43 5226 8112-20
VAT-No.: ATU 62611123
Section: Gastronomy
Group: Tourism
Information on data protection can be found in our privacy policy.
Cancellation Conditions & Terms and Conditions
Concept, Design and Programming
Web-Style Thurnwalder KG
[Design- und Werbeagentur in Tirol]
A-6414 Mieming, Barwies 303c
Picture Credits
Dresdner Hütte, TVB Stubai, Heinz Zack, Andre Schönherr, Christoph Schöch, Guus Reinartz
360° Pictures
Panoramafactory - Anatol Jasiutyn
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